Introducing Waku Land

Introducing Waku Land

Every single Waku example built from the source and deployed on

Vector embeddings, semantic caching, and an interactive demo

Vector embeddings, semantic caching, and an interactive demo

In this article, I'll go over what vector embeddings are, how they're used to implement RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) systems, and the role that a semantic cache plays in a typical RAG system.

The future of React.use and React.useMemo - a powerful alternative to context selectors

The future of React.use and React.useMemo - a powerful alternative to context selectors

use-context-selector is my preferred way to prevent re-renders when using React contexts. But some future React updates provide a better alternative using only React.use and React.useMemo. Follow along as I learn a powerful lesson in my unsuccessfully attempt to prove Dan Abramov wrong.

Concurrent React, External Stores, and Tearing

Concurrent React, External Stores, and Tearing

React 18 exposes an API to do concurrent rendering. But when used alongside external stores, this concurrency introduces a theoretical issue called tearing. Let's explore what that means and how to avoid it.

Chatbot Sync - ChatBotKit in version control

Chatbot Sync - ChatBotKit in version control

I discuss and share the open source scripts that InterBolt uses to manage custom chatbots via ChatBotKit's node-sdk.

Static analysis and meta programming in NextJS

Static analysis and meta programming in NextJS

An introduction to NextCast, a build tool that makes static analysis and source code manipulation accessible to NextJS developers through an intuitive plugin-based API.

A not-so-static React site using Cloudflare Page Functions

A not-so-static React site using Cloudflare Page Functions

I discuss how to inject dynamic data into a static HTML file using a Cloudflare Page Function.

Serve device-specific builds with Cloudflare and NextJS

Serve device-specific builds with Cloudflare and NextJS

The process by which I came to prefer serving different HTML files for the same URL based on a user-agent string. I use NextJS's static export feature alongside a Cloudflare page function to create a working example, which you can find in the Github repo linked in the post.

A Github app for coding standards

A Github app for coding standards

I discuss my thoughts on coding standards and provide a walkthrough to create a Github app bot named after Dolores Umbridge. The bot encourages developers to review coding standards before approving pull requests.